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Recruitment & HR
Mar 6th 2024

Supporting Women in the Workplace: A Comprehensive Guide

a typical company, while women hold just 40%. As a result, there are fewer women to promote to director, and the number of women decreases at every subsequent level. Additionally, women are still underrepresented in C-suite positions and corporate boardrooms, McKinsey stated that Women represent roughly 1 in 4 C-suite leaders, and women of color just 1 in 16. Recent Trends and Shifts In recent years, there has been a noticeable shift in corporate and societal attitudes toward
Resume & CV
Jan 7th 2023

Macam-macam Hobi untuk Melamar Kerja dalam CV

menunjukkan kemampuan bercerita atau story telling. Dengan memiliki kemampuan menulis dan menyampaikan ide-ide di otak kita secara tertulis, hal ini dapat meningkatkan cara berpikir kita secara kritis. 2. Fotografi, editing dan video production. Dengan mencantumkan hobi ini, rekruter dapat melihat bahwa kamu adalah pribadi yang kreatif dan memiliki kemampuan menggunakan software editting seperti Photoshop ataupun Premiere. Sekarang semakin banyak pekerjaan yang mencari skill ini. 3. Bermain game strategis seperti catur dan board game. Selain menghabiskan waktu bersama teman maup...
Mar 4th 2022

How to Create an Appealing Fashion Design Portfolio

you are. But, don’t get too caught up with it. Keep it concise with a maximum of seven lines. Include details about your inspiration, who you are as a designer, and why you are creating a fashion portfolio. Mood boards: Mood boards are an easy way to explain your design inspirations behind the collections. A mood board consists of images, colors, textures and other graphics that help you visualize and imagine your design during your initial design process. Images
Recruitment & HR
Apr 24th 2023

How to Create an Employee Referral Program [With Examples]

to understand, and valuable, so they’re more likely to recommend people from their network who are qualified for the vacant roles. Step 3: Announce the employee referral program . Now that you already have a clear idea of how the employee referral scheme will work, make sure all the employees are well-informed about this. You can send them an email, post it on the internal job board, or announce it in the meeting. It's also crucial to keep ...
People Operations
Mar 8th 2024

工作生活平衡怎麼做?雇主怎麼落實 Work-life balance?

假中,此信件已被刪除,請聯絡代理人」,讓員工在休假期間不再受到工作郵件的干擾。 美國電商 Tower Paddle Boards 則是縮短每日工時,採取早上 8 點至下午 1 點的 5 小時工作制。員工為了下午的自由時間會更
Interview Skills
Jun 24th 2022

英文自介範例|面試如何用英文自我介紹?掌握英文自介 4 技巧!

鍵字幫面試官快速總結一下你的經驗、能力,還有個人特質。 絕招來了:表現你的「即戰力」,告訴他們 on board 之後你會有什麼計畫,做了什麼市場分析、有什麼良策想要貢獻,來證明為什麼你是 這個職缺的
Career Tools
May 20th 2021

遠端工作如何效率加倍?別錯過 4 個實用軟體與 3 招遠端工作技巧!

大展開式介面,遠端工作操作簡單、一目瞭然  Trello 簡易的功能選項非常容易上手,只要在一大塊看版( Board)中建立無數個專案清單( List ),接著,在專案清單中建立一張張卡片(Card),用拖曳移動的方式,標示出每
People Operations
Mar 6th 2024

ESG 是什麼?永續報告書、CSR,企業永續發展的必學關鍵字一次看!

2021 年由國際財務報導準則基金會(IFRS,International Financial Reporting Standards Foundation)正式宣告成立的「國際永續準則理事會 」(ISSB,International Sustainability Standards Board),其預計出版的永續資訊揭露可能將集合現行主流架構,被視為更具一致性的重要標竿。總而言
Success Stories
Nov 1st 2021

Google 台灣的硬體人才如何擁抱世界舞台?硬體副總裁 Elmer & 人才招募經理 Jeffrey 親自剖析!

員都有同樣的舞台跟發揮空間,也都能產生相當的影響力。 此外,身為 HR 的他還說,每當有新員工 on board,他一定會提醒對方要趕緊看看公司有哪些補助資源可以運用,因為真的非常多元豐富。然而,就
Job Search Tips
Mar 6th 2024

新鮮人剛進職場怎麼穿?5 大新鮮人職場穿搭教學

你是不是即將踏入職場,但心裡充滿了對上班族穿搭的煩惱? 進入一家新公司時,第一印象的建立往往至關重要,而你的穿著恰好是展現個人形象的重要一環。本篇文章將帶給你一些絕對不會出

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