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Success Stories
May 10th 2023

【IKEA 面試分享】IKEA UX 設計師面試,準備方向、面試心法一次公開!

創意、能給出多少點子,而是看你解決問題的思考邏輯,還有如何跟面試官互動與討論問題。 我的 White boarding 模板: 這是我第一次被告知要做這個挑戰,當時查了很多資料,做了不少筆記,也寫了一個模板幫
Success Stories
Oct 29th 2020

Facebook PM Peter 的產品管理職涯:新創、跨國公司、To B、To C 通通包辦!

況,幫助新成員建立與公司的連結、信任感。了解整個公司的概況、回到所屬部門後,也會有自己的 on-boarding 流程,可能是要完成一些任務(check-list),認識特定的人、看完特定的文件等等。 完整的 on-boarding 流程,可以讓


理學位,並對 ESG 原則有深刻了解。 了解永續投資的趨勢、戰略規劃、領導力、溝通協調能力。 CFA、SASB(Sustainability Accounting Standards Board)認證等。 環境法務專業人員 研究和解釋環境法規,提供法律意見,協助制定符合法規的內部政策
Cover Letter
Mar 27th 2024

Bikin Cover Letter AI? Ini Dia Caranya dan Contohnya!

Meskipun teknologi AI seperti Google Bard, Bing dan Chat GPT telah berkembang pesat sedemikian rupa, faktanya masih banyak orang yang skeptis dan memandang negatif keberadaanya. Di dunia design grafis misalnya, keberadaan tools AI semacam Canva Design AI dianggap sebagian orang bisa memusnahkan profesi desain grafis itu sendiri. Padahal, dengan adanya AI berbagai pekerjaan rumit bisa diringankan. Nah, buat kamu fresh graduate yang kesulitan membuat Cover Letter, ada pula AI yang bisa membantunya. Contohnya adalah membuat Cover Letter AI di ChatGpt
Resume & CV
Mar 22nd 2024

Cara Membuat CV dengan AI, Bisa Tingkatkan Peluang Lolos!

membantu orang dalam belajar matematika, tapi tidak bisa melenyapkan ilmu matematika. Alat ini memberikan kecepatan menyelesaikan perhitungan sehingga pengguna dapat lebih fokus dalam menyelesaikan persoalan yang lebih besar. Saat ini, ada banyak platform chatbot AI serba bisa seperti ChatGPT, Google Bard, Bing Copilot, dll. Selain itu, model bahasa AI juga dikembangkan untuk membuat tools dan fitur untuk mempermudah banyak pekerjaan manusia termasuk dalam hal membuat CV. Di artikel kali ini, tim CakeResume akan membagikan keunggulan CV AI dan cara mudah
Job Search Tips
Mar 8th 2024

Prompt là gì? Hướng dẫn cách tự viết prompt ChatGPT hiệu quả

Trong AI và học máy, "prompt" chỉ câu lệnh đầu vào (input) cho một mô hình ngôn ngữ để có được phản hồi/đầu ra (output) tương ứng. Khi sử dụng ChatGPT hay các chatbot AI tương tự như Google Bard, Microsoft Bing, "prompt" chính là câu hoặc đoạn văn bản mà bạn nhập vào để nhận và tinh chỉnh các phản hồi dưới dạng văn bản. Nói cách khác, câu lệnh/prompt giống như điểm bắt đầu cho cuộc
Resume & CV
Jan 10th 2022

Mastering Google Docs Resume Templates [w/ 10+ Essential Tips]

freshers resume, experienced professional) Cons: Lack of borders make it difficult to differentiate resume sections The header font size is too small, so it is challenging to read 💡 3 tips for using this Google Docs resume template: 1. Add borders You can easily add a resume outline in Google Docs using borders. Borders allow you to distinguish between sections of the resume. Additionally, you can strengthen different resume sections. 2. Increase header font size As the current font size
Cover Letter
Mar 6th 2024

A Cashier Cover Letter to Stand Out! [w/Examples + Writing Tips]

writing style. As for the cashier position, they look for a person with great personalities. Samirah Lawson 591 South Sierra Lane, Woburn, MA 01801 202-555-0118 [email protected] May 21th, 2022 Cherry Manson Pastel.Co 57 North St., Bardstown, KY 40004 Dear Ms. Manson, After reading your requirements from the hiring notice, I knew that I had to send my resume and cover letter to apply for the cashier position. I can bring my one year of experience
Interview Skills
Jul 14th 2022

DEI Interview Questions: How to Answer (+ Samples)

Created by CakeResume In this article, we'll cover: Why Diversity Matters Tips for Answering Diversity Interview Questions Example Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Interview Questions and Answers Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Interview Questions to ask Employers Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) initiatives are implemented by employers to ensure all employees can feel accounted for in the workplace. As part of these initiatives, many companies include DEI questions in the interview to better an inclusive, diverse, safe and progressive environment that


隨著永續意識抬頭,「有效減少碳排放量」不僅是全世界的共識,台灣也正努力朝此目標邁進,而綠能正是其中的重要關鍵,工研院更認為綠能產業將是未來 40 年 主宰人類歷史 的產業。本篇將介紹綠

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