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Recruitment & HR
Apr 3rd 2024

Recruitment Consultant là gì? Quy trình làm việc ở CakeResume

Mô tả công việc Recruitment Consultant Mục lục: Recruitment Consultant là gì? Phân biệt Recruitment Consultant với các nghề liên quan Công việc của Recruitment Consultant là gì? Quy trình làm việc với Recruitment Consultant ở CakeResume Dù đều là “cầu nối” giữa ứng viên và nhà tuyển dụng, nhưng phạm vi công việc của Recruitment Consultant và Talent Acquisition có nhiều khác biệt. Trong khi, vị trí Talent Acquisition thuộc phòng nhân sự của công ty, chuyên thu hút
Resume & CV
Mar 8th 2024

9 Jenis Tunjangan Kerja Bagi Karyawan, Perbedaan, dan Pengertiannya

“Dapet tunjangan gak, ya?” itulah pertanyaan yang sering ditanyakan oleh pekerja saat melamar kerja dan setiap akhir bulan. Tidak heran mengapa ini menjadi pertanyaan yang lumrah di antara karyawan karena tunjangan adalah tambahan yang diberikan diluar gaji pokok, entah itu dalam bentuk uang maupun program untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan karyawan. Tunjangan kerja yang menarik merupakan faktor penting untuk meningkatkan retensi karyawan, mengurangi turnover, serta menarik talenta terbaik. Setiap karyawan berhak mendapatkan tunjangan dari perusahaan, namun sifatnya opsional. Tapi perlu diingat
Job Search Tips
Sep 9th 2020

For Freshers: Tips to Land Your Coveted Job

Finding a job — conundrum for fresh graduates I’ve watched enough YouTube videos to know that most of you 22-year-old have resolved to do now that you’ve graduated: take good care of yourself both mentally and physically; do good for Mother Earth; find a life partner (no one’s asking but I personally prefer animals to human company, thank you very much); further develop your talents; find what you’re passionate about and turn it into your
Industry & Job Overview
Jul 15th 2022

How to Become a Freelancer: Everything You Need to Know to Succeed

Created by CakeResume In this article, we’ll cover the steps to becoming a freelancer: Step 1: Define your services Step 2: Find your target audience Step 3: Create a financial plan Step 4: Create a strong freelance resume and portfolio Step 5: Find work Step 6: Maintain client relationships Freelancers are self-employed workers who offer their services on a project or contract basis. They offer their skills, talent and assistance in areas such as: Web, graphic or interior
People Operations
Jun 16th 2022

10 Best Locations & Companies for Offshore Software Development

are provided by companies or individuals who are based in a neighboring country. Let's look at the pros and cons of both. 🎯 Offshore software development ✅ Pros: Offshore development breaks down the geographic barriers of hiring software development talent, which means you get to tap into a global talent pool and find talent in countries with a lower cost of living. If you want to save on development costs without sacrificing quality, offshore development can be a cost
Resume & CV
Mar 30th 2021

Professional Recruiter Resume [+ Examples, Templates & Job Description]

of a company and the Human Resources (HR) team. Though it appears to be similar, the recruiter position is different from hiring managers, talent acquisition specialists and headhunters. Hiring managers are in charge of evaluating and giving candidates heads-up; talent acquisition is to seek high-level positions such as team leaders or executives; while headhunters are hired by firms to work as the third-party talent-finder. Meanwhile, recruiters handle the overall process of hiring, including: Composing job descriptions
Mar 6th 2024

Virtual Career Fair CakeResume 2023, Cari Loker di 50+ Perusahaan Top Indonesia

Proses mencari kerja dan membangun karier tidaklah mudah, namun tidak mustahil. Ada banyak hal yang bisa kamu lakukan sekarang juga untuk menyukseskan perjalanan kariermu, yakni mengikuti webinar/workshop, networking , mencari tahu tentang pekerjaan dan perusahan impianmu, membuat career plan , dan juga mengikuti berbagai macam career fair . Hal-hal ini mungkin terkesan ribet dan sulit. Tetapi jangan khawatir! Dalam rangka menyukseskan pengembangan karier generasi muda Indonesia, CakeResume menyelenggarakan acara Virtual Career Fair 2023 dengan tema “ Connecting Talents and Companies for a
Career Planning
Mar 6th 2024

A Complete Guide to Singaporean Work Culture

of the most modern cities on Earth, Singapore has become a prime destination for businesses and professionals seeking to break into the Asian market and capitalize on a rich and competitive working environment. Due to the large influx of foreign talent into the country, Singapore’s work culture and practices have evolved from its traditional base to one that has become more open and embracing international standards and customs. Globalization has made the world a (figuratively) smaller place, bridging lands

The 10 Highest Paying Jobs in Singapore You Need to Know in 2024

10 Highest Paying Jobs in Singapore You Need to Know in 2024 Singapore's economic landscape is characterized by stability, innovation, and rapid growth. It has established itself as a global financial and technological hub, attracting multinational corporations due to its strategic location, robust infrastructure, and business-friendly policies. The job market in Singapore is highly diverse, spanning industries such as finance, healthcare, technology, and engineering, to name a few. The highest-paying jobs in Singapore are not just financially
Resume & CV
Oct 13th 2021

How to Write Achievements in Your Resume [+Tips & Examples]

Created by CakeResume You'll learn: Where & How to Write Achievements in a Resume/CV 10 Personal Achievements Examples 15+ Academic & Sport Achievements Examples 30+ Professional Achievements Examples 5 Tips for How to Write Achievements in Resume Resume achievements are work successes that are both measurable and unique to an applicant’s experience. Achievements in resumes are often undermined as many applicants struggle to think of key achievements to list on their resumes. Adding achievements or awards on resumes can

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