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thg 3 8 2023

女性如何發展有影響力的科技職涯?Google 台灣客戶解決方案業務總監 Eleanor & 軟體工程師 Claire 的職場女力

在多元的人格特質越來越被重視的現在,無論是性別、性向、宗教、種族等等的共融和平等常常是會被熱烈討論的話題;在職場上,也是很多企業正在努力的目標。 以性別為例,根據勤業眾信在 2021 年 12
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thg 8 30 2021

從資料科學走向產品管理!在好奇心與成本之間取捨的 PayPal 資深產品經理 Nicolas

在本集的 《科技職涯》中,我們邀請了目前在美國 PayPal 擔任 Senior Product Manager 的 Nicolas,來跟我們分享這 15 年的職涯經驗。Nicolas 在中央大學數學系畢業後繼續唸了交通大學的資工所,拿到碩士學位後加入了 IC 設計公司
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thg 10 5 2022

AWS 如何用雲端幫企業 & 求職者改頭換面?Training Manager Michelle 從人才市場角度剖析雲端技術的影響力!

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thg 12 3 2021

醫療設備產業的 PM 都在做什麼?從金融、美妝到醫療的職涯旅程 (上) Philips Sr. Product Marketing Manager Yvonne 的醫療產業觀察 & 歐洲遊牧紀錄

2021 年熱門韓劇《機智醫生生活》第二季播出,裡面不少讓人非常緊張的驚險手術場景,都讓觀眾再次體會到了醫療工作的不易。這些千鈞一髮的生死關頭,除了仰賴經驗豐富的醫護人員以外,也不能
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thg 7 27 2022

雲端產業的「隱形冠軍」如何造就?CloudMile 執行長與技術主管親身剖析雲端趨勢!

「我把檔案上傳到雲端了!」今天,你因為工作或是生活各種需要,線上傳遞了多少檔案給同事、朋友呢? 在雲端服務普及的現在,相信很多人都已經習慣線上傳輸檔案的作法,除了個人使用者會利用
Văn hoá & Con người
thg 4 24 2023

Farina Situmorang on Founding AI Startup Pensieve Technology and Navigating Career Journey

CakeResume's Talent Connect is a monthly segment where we invite speakers to share their experiences in their field or industry. In this episode of Talent Connect, we invited Farina Situmorang, a prominent Indonesian entrepreneur (CEO and co-founder of Pensieve ) who has made a name for herself in the technology industry. Despite her impressive credentials, Farina had to overcome numerous obstacles in order to achieve her goals. Whether you are an aspiring entrepreneur, a seasoned professional, or simply someone
Quản lý nhân sự
thg 4 8 2019

6 Step Strategy That Will Simplify Your Recruiting Process

Filling up talent shortages while saving company revenue is not easy. Recruiting is hard enough with the multi-layer interviewing process, candidate unavailability and the competitive market. So, a complicated recruitment process adds insult to injury. You need to simplify your recruiting process to get the best candidates. Unfriendly recruiting practices waste candidate’s time. It can even confuse applicants causing the best ones to run away from you, delaying the hiring process even more. Simplifying your recruiting process is
CV & Hồ sơ xin việc
thg 5 12 2020

Craft Your Professional Portfolio Resume Like a Pro [+ Tips]

CakeResume's Portfolio Collection Page For talents in engineering and design-related fields , " portfolios " are usually requested during job application process. There have already been plenty of relevant online resources like tutorials and templates. However, more and more companies now require job applicants to provide "portfolios" for interviewers as references, and the importance of portfolios is no longer limited to the fields mentioned earlier. Nowadays, for positions like content writing , marketing & planning, and project coordinator, “portfolio” is commonly listed in
Sản phẩm/DỊch vụ
thg 1 17 2020

CakeResume vs. Resume: The Resume to Land Your Dream Job

One of the most dreaded questions for any multi-talented, multi-faceted and multi-passionate creative, pops up like this - “So, what do you do?” How do you answer this question? Where do you start? In most cases, a disconnection from our narratives, the story that tells the listener where we are from, who we are and where we are going - is what holds us back from the perfect answer. It’s quite difficult to synthesize the entirety of your

Apa itu Employer Branding? Arti, Contoh, dan Cara Melakukannya

Employer Branding adalah salah satu strategi penting yang diperlukan oleh para Talent Acquisition atau HRD. Karena semakin banyak perusahaan yang berkembang, semakin diperlukan juga para talents atau kandidat pekerja yang terbaik untuk membantu perusahaan berkembang. Nyatanya mencari kandidat yang terbaik bukanlah hal yang mudah. Akan ada banyak persaingan antara perusahaan untuk mendapatkan calon karyawan yang terhebat. Tentunya para kandidat pekerja yang terbaik akan memilih perusahaan dengan reputasi/citra yang baik sebagai pemberi kerja. Oleh karena itu, penting bagi para Talent

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