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Apr 11th 2023

Cách viết CV remote working/CV xin việc từ xa hấp dẫn dễ dàng trúng tuyển

Được tạo bởi CakeResume Mục lục: Việc làm remote (remote working) là gì? Nội dung cần có trong CV cho remote working Mẹo hay khi viết CV remote Mẫu CV remote cho Web Developer Remote working, hay còn được gọi là làm việc từ xa, ngày nay đã không còn là khái niệm mới mẻ nữa. Đặc biệt là trong thực trạng dịch bệnh Covid19 căng thẳng và kéo dài như hiện nay, remote working trở thành mô hình làm
Job Search Tips
May 6th 2021

How to Work Remotely? 13 Efficient Ways to Find Remote Jobs Online

And while you’re there, you can work too. Further reading: Working from Home Starter Pack: Freelancing 101 Remote work is similar to freelance work in that you get to choose where you work. The only difference is that with remote work, you work directly with a company and are part of its remote team. Since 2014, more companies particularly in the United States and the United Kingdom have been integrating remote teams in their work force. Back then, remote
Job Search Tips
Aug 16th 2021

遠端工作哪裡找?熱門職缺 & 10 大遠距工作求職管道都在這裡!

仰賴網路的遠端工作者來說,社群又尤為重要。如果對於海外的遠距工作有興趣,可以參考 Digital Nomad Jobs - Remote Work From Anywhere 、 Digital Nomads Around the World 、 Global Digital Nomad Network 等等的社團。 台灣遠端工作社群 如果還是想要找偏向台灣企業、文
Career Planning
Apr 28th 2021

How to Be Efficient While Working from Home? 5 Best Productivity Apps (Free!)

The most common problem remote workers encounter while working from home is the difficulty in separating work from life, as they are no longer bound to the constraints of an physical office . The situation makes time and project management all the more important. After collecting feedback from various users, CakeResume has sifted through and selected several handy productivity tools that can effectively improve time management and increase productivity. Here we share them in hopes to help procrastinators free themselves from
Career Tools
Apr 18th 2024

15+ Best Online Collaboration Tools Used in 2024

Best Online Collaboration Tools Used in 2024 As remote working becomes more and more familiar, the need to use collaboration tools that contribute to team bonding is increasingly popular. In today’s fast-paced business environment, digital collaboration tools have become a necessity for companies of all sizes, even office work or remote work. From small teams to large enterprises, these collaboration tools are integral to maintaining efficient communication and workflow. As the business landscape becomes increasingly competitive, proficiency in
Job Search Tips
Jan 19th 2021

工程師們,別讓辦公室限縮工作潛能! 精選 4 個海內外遠端工作求職平台

工程師,你也想成為遠端工作者嗎? 遠端工作(remote work)和數位遊牧(digital nomad)的概念這幾年在世界各地興起,透過網際網路與世界同步,不用每天進辦公室,又可以自己決定工作時間與地點,成為新世代工作
Recruitment & HR
Nov 18th 2022

How to Manage a Remote Team - A Guide

its overwhelming benefits: no commute, more savings, and better work-life balance. Like any workplace, a remote team that’s poorly managed will underperform and cause conflict. Ineffective remote managing can cause problems like confusion, burnout, and resentment. Leading a remote team is clearly challenging, but a few changes can make a huge impact. Common Challenges of Remote Management Managing remote employees has a lot of the same difficulties as an in-person team, but remote work comes with some
Cover Letter
Mar 6th 2023

Secrets of Writing Successful Upwork Cover Letters

Upwork Cover Letter In this article, you’ll learn about: How to Write an Upwork Cover Letter Cover Letter Samples for Upwork Tips on How to Write a Cover Letter for Upwork Proposals Upwork Cover Letter Template Today's job market is undeniably tough, especially with remote work developing into the “new norm" all over the world. Both freelancers and recruiters/clients now have a lot of platforms to achieve their own purpose. However, Upwork seems to be among the
Career Planning
Mar 22nd 2024

10 Best Work from Home Jobs in Singapore [+ Where to Find Them]

a remote working environment. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Future Trends in Work-from-Home Jobs in Singapore What are the Popular Work from Home Jobs in Singapore? Where to Find Work from Home Jobs in Singapore? 4 Tips for a Productive Work from Home Experience Conclusion Future Trends in Work-from-Home Jobs in Singapore The “work from home jobs in Singapore” environment has changed significantly following the trailing off of the pandemic. From many companies enforcing total 100% remote working
Industry & Job Overview
Mar 25th 2022

Mau Jadi Personal Assistant? Tugas, Gaji, dan Caranya! [+Contoh CV]

Daftar isi: Apa itu Personal Assistant Tugas dan Tanggung Jawab Personal Assistant Skill yang Dibutuhkan Personal Assistant Tips Menjadi Personal Assistant Personal assistant adalah posisi pekerjaan yang penting untuk melancarkan kehidupan profesional atau kehidupan pribadi para pengusaha, direktur, manajer, selebriti, atau bahkan untuk seorang individu/keluarga. Tugas seorang personal assistant mencakup tugas-tugas administratif untuk memastikan pengorganisasian, penjadwalan, dan perencanaan yang tepat. Personal assistant pun dapat bekerja dalam lingkungan bisnis atau jarak jauh ( remote work /WFH). Di artikel CakeResume ini

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