求职信(Cover Letter)

Bingung Cara Menolak Panggilan Interview? Coba 5 Cara Ini!

Daftar isi: Cara Menolak Panggilan Interview yang Patut Dipertimbangkan Contoh Email Menolak Panggilan Interview Kerja Bagi para jobseekers, mengirimkan dokumen lamaran kerja di berbagai jenis perusahaan atau pekerjaan adalah hal yang lumrah dilakukan. Tujuannya tak lain untuk mendapatkan peluang terbesar diterima di pekerjaan tersebut. Selain keuntungan ini, waktu yang kamu gunakan lebih efisien. Dengan cara ini juga tidak menutup kemungkinan lamaranmu bisa diterima lebih dari satu perusahaan dan berhak mengikuti jadwal interview. Bagi sebagian besar orang, hal ini menjadi sebuah
Career Development

How to Take Initiative at Work? Essential Tips, Examples, and Best Practices

How to Take Initiative at Work? Essential Tips, Examples, and Best Practices Taking initiative at work means being more proactive in a job without anyone else asking for it. An employee full of initiative is not satisfied with simply performing a regular basis job; they desire to take on additional responsibilities and contribute more. If the company faces a problem, they are eager to be part of the solution. Research confirms that employees with initiative are better performers, make great

Reclaim Your Career: How to Craft a Compelling Resignation Withdrawal Letter

job is the best move for your professional career. If you find yourself in this position, writing a resignation withdrawal letter is almost always necessary. Resignation withdrawal letters, if carefully and thoughtfully written, can maximize your chances of retaining your job. There are myriad reasons that one may have for choosing to resign from their place of employment (for a comprehensive list of warning signs that resigning may be the right choice for you, check out this article ). The choice

6 Alasan Kamu Susah Cari Kerja, Coba Tips Ini Sekarang!

Di masa modern ini, jumlah orang yang ingin bekerja menjadi lebih banyak dibandingkan dengan lapangan pekerjaan yang ada. Terlebih lagi, semakin banyak perusahaan yang melakukan pengurangan jumlah karyawan. Hal ini membuat fenomena susah mendapatkan pekerjaan menjadi hal yang lumrah. Bagi kamu yang sedang dalam masa pencarian kerja, kamu mungkin juga merasakan bahwa cari kerjaan susah. Puluhan CV dan surat lamaran kerja sudah kamu sebar, namun hanya sedikit yang memberikan respon. Jika saat ini kamu merasa susah dapat kerja setelah resign

Apa itu Pesangon? Ketahui Jenis dan Peraturannya Di Sini!

melainkan mendapatkan ganti rugi sebesar upah pegawai hingga batas akhir kontrak kerja (Pasal 62 UU Ketenagakerjaan). 📚Baca Juga: Ayo Cari Tahu! Apa saja 7 Perbedaan PKWT dan PKWTT yang Wajib Diketahui Karyawan? Apakah pegawai tetap (PKWTT) mendapatkan pesangon jika resign ? Karyawan tetap (PKWTT) tidak mendapatkan pesangon jika resign, melainkan mendapatkan uang pisah dan uang penggantian hak jika memenuhi syarat yang ditentukan UU Cipta Kerja No 11 Tahun 2020, Pasal 154A ayat (1) huruf i UU Ketenagakerjaan : Mengajukan permohonan pengunduran

23 Pertanyaan Interview Kerja yang Sering Ditanya HRD dan Cara Menjawabnya!

dengan Suatu Keputusan di Tempat Kerja Bisakah Anda Jelaskan Mengapa Anda Mengubah Jalur Karir? Seperti Apa Gaya Kerja Anda? Mengapa Anda Berhenti dari Pekerjaan Sebelumnya? Apa yang Memotivasi Kamu? Apa yang Anda Lakukan Selama Gap Year/Career Break? Mengapa Anda Resign Dari Pekerjaan Sebelumnya? Apa Rencana Kamu Dalam Lima Tahun Ke Depan? Apakah Anda Sedang Melamar di Perusahaan Lain? Berapa Gaji yang Anda Harapkan? Apakah Anda Bersedia untuk Ditempatkan di Luar Kota? Kapan Anda Bisa Mulai Bekerja? Apakah Anda Memiliki

A Guide to Jobs in Taiwan for Foreigners

both office lease space and residential properties. Many investors are foreign, so this industry presents a unique opportunity for an expat looking for work in Taiwan. Chemistry A substantial portion of Taiwan’s exports is in chemical products like petrochemicals, resin, and plastic. There are many jobs in Taiwan for foreigners with the right experience in chemical manufacturing. Renewable energy Taiwan’s energy needs have expanded in the last decade and the government is looking to move away from nuclear

5 Best Practices for Employee Promotion: The Benefits, Types, and Tips to Do

When it comes to motivating employees, one aspect that's sure to come up is employee promotion. It's natural for people to want to grow, and your employees are no exception. You may notice various signs in your employees that could make you contemplate offering them an internal promotion, such as: They're highly committed to their work. Their performance produces positive results in the workplace. They do more than what their job requires and help others. And so
作品集 & 个人品牌

Personal Websites - A Guide With Examples

In this article, you will learn: Why You Need a Personal Website 20 Best Personal Website Examples How to Create a Personal Website Tips for Creating a Personal Website Having a personal site is a super interesting aspect when working in the communication, marketing, journalism, design, architecture, or similar sectors where visual works reign. These are environments in which it is necessary to be able to demonstrate the work carried out and a personal web page is a perfect channel

Interior Designer Cover Letter: Writing Guide and Samples

Interior Designer Cover Letter Sample Interior designers are a vital link to the construction process and are responsible for designing and remodeling interior spaces. Interior design requires an extensive knowledge base that not only includes a deep and nuanced understanding of color, light, and texture, but an experienced hand in design software such as AutoCAD , floor planning software , and Adobe Illustrator , to name a few. Given the technical complexity of the job, interior designers often undergo a highly competitive application


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