CakeResume Job Search

Logo of gotEM.
gotEM is a cutting-edge Web3 platform embracing crowdsourcing and crowdfunding. Connecting individuals globally, we empower them to actively participate in solving cases. Users can also crowdfund resources for investigations and private security needs. Built on a decentralized model, gotEM offers governance, ensuring accurate, reliable, and community-driven solutions. Experience the synergy of technology and collaboration in a transformative investigative ecosystem.
Perusahaan aktif sekitar 1 bulan yang lalu
光寶內湖大樓 14 臺北市內湖區瑞光路392號3樓
Logo of 禾亞數位科技股份有限公司.
HOYA BIT 最友善的國際加密貨幣交易所 HOYA BIT 通過金管會函文核准,是一間合法合規的加密貨幣交易所,首度結合強而有力的全球戰略夥伴,24 小時把關你的投資。HOYA BIT 給予尚未了解加密貨幣的投資
Perusahaan aktif 8 hari yang lalu
Logo of portto 門戶科技 | Blocto.
portto 致力於改進區塊鏈應用的使用體驗,成為使用者進入去中心化世界的入口。 近幾年區塊鏈技術及衍生應用蓬勃發展,但尚未能被社會大眾廣泛使用、進入主流市場,其中最關鍵的問題是:區塊鏈
Perusahaan aktif sekitar 9 jam yang lalu
台北市中山區民權東路三段 35 號 12 樓
Logo of Circle.
Circle is a financial technology company at the epicenter of the emerging internet of money, where value can finally travel like other digital data — globally, nearly instantly and less expensively than legacy settlement systems. This ground-breaking new internet layer opens up previously unimaginable possibilities for payments, commerce and markets that can help raise global economic prosperity and enhance inclusion. Our infrastructure – including USDC, a blockchain-based dollar – helps businesses, institutions and developers harness these breakthroughs and capitalize on this
Perusahaan aktif 2 hari yang lalu
台灣台北市信義區菸廠路88號8號樓 之 1
Logo of XREX Inc..
* XREX is a fast-growing organization, on a mission to make our world a better place * You'll be working with top talents from around the world * You'll gain experience in building an international brand, product, and user community * You'll receive generous stock options * You'll gain experience in a blockchain- and crypto-related products, technologies, and markets * You'll be working in a cutting-edge tech startup using the very latest tech, tools, methodologies, and processes
Perusahaan aktif sekitar 2 jam yang lalu
Logo of 電碼科技有限公司.
Perusahaan aktif 17 hari yang lalu
Logo of 懶人經濟學理財媒體.
懶人經濟學 是台灣頭部理財投資自媒體,團隊成員來自台灣、香港以及美國。我們做的並不是財經,而是教育;幫大家跨出理財投資的第一步,讓所有人「在錢面前一樣平等」是我們的使命。 目前在我們
Perusahaan aktif 23 hari yang lalu
Logo of Nogle Taiwan.
Welcome to Nogle, the Venture Studio that ignites sustainable ventures and empowers visionary entrepreneurs to bring their ideas to life. Since 2014, we've been collaborating with early-stage startups, providing essential support to develop groundbreaking and disruptive products. Our unique approach involves working on multiple projects simultaneously, ensuring we nurture the most promising ones for success. As a powerhouse in software product design and company building, we offer a comprehensive array of resources, including technology know-how, development skills
Perusahaan aktif 18 hari yang lalu
Logo of
總覽 About : Founded in 2016, serves more than 80 million customers and is the world's fastest growing global cryptocurrency platform. Our vision is simple: Cryptocurrency in Every Wallet™. Built on a foundation of security, privacy, and compliance, is committed to accelerating the adoption of cryptocurrency through innovation and empowering the next generation of builders, creators, and entrepreneurs to develop a fairer and more equitable digital ecosystem. Learn more at https://crypto
Perusahaan aktif sekitar 2 bulan yang lalu

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