求職信(Cover Letter)

7 Tips Perencanaan Karir Untuk Raih Posisi Tinggi di Kantor

karir kamu. Setelah kontrak kerja kamu selesai Setelah kamu di- PHK dari suatu perusahaan Ketika krisis global mempengaruhi gaji bulanan Beberapa bulan sebelum wisuda kuliah Sebelum kamu melanjutkan jenjang pendidikan ke pascasarjana Sebelum kamu yakin menjalankan bisnis Sebelum memutuskan untuk resign kerja Manfaat Perencanaan Karir Mulai dari sekarang pun sebenarnya kamu sangat bisa membuat perencanaan dan pengembangan karir kamu sendiri. Membuatnya lebih awal akan memberikan kamu banyak sekali manfaat. Diantaranya adalah: 1. Meningkatkan Kepercayaan Diri Kamu pasti sering melihat fenomena
Career Development

How to Take Initiative at Work? Essential Tips, Examples, and Best Practices

when to offer your help and ideas requires an awareness of your surroundings. It requires you to observe and stay curious about what’s happening in your workplace without seeming too obvious. For example: One day your coworkers decide to resign and there is a pile of workloads. You know very well that your skills are a good match to fill the gap, plus the company needs a backup. In response, you voluntarily replaced your coworker’s position. Your decision

Understand Employee Turnover: Why It Matters & How to Prevent It

according to the cause and effect of the turnovers themselves. Here we will introduce 2 different classifications within which there are two types of employee turnover. Voluntary and Involuntary Turnovers As the name suggests, voluntary turnover happens when the employees resign from their positions willingly as a result of their own employment decision, while involuntary turnover indicates that such decision is done by the employer or other parties or factors other than the employees themselves. Voluntary turnover can be driven

Considering a Career Change? Here Are 3 Tips to a Successful Job Switch

of switching jobs, so that you can identify where the root problem lies and how you can appropriately react to the situation. Ⅱ. Utilize On-hand Resources After making the decision to start a new career, many quickly determine to resign. However, a hasty decision to resign may overlook the fact that there are often suitable resources available at their current jobs. As mentioned before, changing careers should be planned for the long run, so don't rush to resign

Offering Letter: Pengertian, Format, dan Contohnya! [+Bedanya dengan Kontrak Kerja]

mengenai pemutusan hubungan kerja. Pada offering letter tidak dicantumkan durasi waktu pekerjaan yang dilamar dan hanya mencantumkan tanggal efektif mulai bekerja. Nah, dalam surat kontrak kerja dijelaskan secara rinci bagaimana mekanisme pemutusan hubungan kerja. Seperti contoh, berapa jumlah penalti apabila resign sebelum waktu kontrak habis dan berbagai perjanjian lainnya. 📝 Kesimpulan: Bisa dipahami bahwa saat kandidat menerima offering letter belum tentu secara sah menjadi bagian perusahaan. Kandidat dikatakan sah menjadi karyawan pada perusahaan tersebut apabila sudah menandatangani surat perjanjian kerja

5 Best Practices for Employee Promotion: The Benefits, Types, and Tips to Do

company gives them a reason to stay. Remember: a study conducted by Employee Benefits News has shown that losing an employee can cost your company a significant amount, precisely 33% of their yearly salary. This means that when an employee resigns, you're losing their skills, time, and a considerable amount of funding. Improve workplace morale and productivity. By embracing employee recognition initiatives, like internal promotion, you encourage your staff to keep up their good work - to pursue their career

How to Accept a Job Offer [with 5+ Email Examples]

regular working time in the job offer acceptance letter before your first day at work in order to avoid scheduling conflicts. ✅ Start date You should be clear about the start date in your job acceptance letter. Make sure you resign and end your previous job before the start date so that you don’t get yourself into any troubles, legal or non-legal, with your former employer. ✅ Career advancement Before saying yes in the acceptance letter for employment

Penting! 7 Perbedaan PKWT dan PKWTT yang Wajib Diketahui Karyawan

telah mengubah ketentuan PHK untuk karyawan PKWT dan PKWTT. Kini, karyawan PKWT berhak mendapatkan uang kompensasi apabila perjanjian kerja telah berakhir, baik itu karena masa kerja telah habis atau karena pemutusan hubungan kerja (PHK). Selain itu, karyawan yang mengundurkan diri ( resign ) juga berhak mendapat uang kompensasi. Jumlah uang kompensasi yang diberikan jumlahnya dihitung secara proporsional berdasarkan jangka waktu PKWT yang telah dilaksanakan karyawan kontrak. Sementara itu, karyawan PKWTT berhak mendapat 3 jenis uang kompensasi saat terdampak PHK, yaitu: Uang pesangon

Managerial round interview: 15 sample questions and answers

Created by CakeResume In this article, we'll cover: What is the Managerial Round of Interviews? Managerial Round Interview Questions and Answers Good Questions to Ask in the Managerial Round of an Interview A company's hiring process often has several stages, including initial screening, HR interviews, technical interviews, and a managerial round. The managerial round interview is usually placed at the final stage of the hiring process, after the human resources department finished scanning the basic qualification requirements. At

7 Rekomendasi Jawaban Pertanyaan "Kapan Anda Dapat Mulai Bekerja" Saat Interview

Menjalani interview pekerjaan memang cukup menegangkan. Ada berbagai pertanyaan yang seringkali ditanyakan oleh HRD selama interview. Tentu para kandidat sudah mempersiapkan bagaimana cara menjawab pertanyaan “Mengapa kami harus memilih Anda?”, “Apakah Anda bersedia jika diminta lembur jelaskan?”, “Apa yang akan Anda lakukan jika diterima di perusahaan ini?”, dan berbagai pertanyaan umum lainnya. Tetapi, apakah kamu sudah menyiapkan jawaban untuk pertanyaan “Bila diterima kapan Anda dapat mulai bekerja?” Pertanyaan ini bisa jadi merupakan sebuah tes untuk menilai sikap kamu terhadap perusahaan


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