求職信(Cover Letter)

Writing the Ideal Interview Follow-up Email (& Samples)

to struggle with how to follow up with a recruiter after a job interview, finding it difficult to communicate clearly without sounding too demanding or desperate. Below is a guide that will help you with your follow-up email to recruiters, with explanations to why your message to a recruiter may have been missed, principle steps to consider when writing a follow-up email to a recruiter and some samples and templates you can refer to while drafting your own

身為專業 HR 你必須知道的 2018 招募大數據

(本文經 Uptowork 授權翻譯轉載。 原文連結 ) 你知道一個 HR 平均一天會收到幾封履歷信嗎?需要花多少時間去招募一位人才? 一個完整的招聘過程需要多少時間嗎? 分析人資相關的數據是件非常耗時的

How to Create an Employee Referral Program [With Examples]

existing networks. In return, these employees will get a referral bonus, typically a financial reward, if the company successfully recruits that individual. That is also how referral works. What is an employee referral program? Simply put, this is an internal recruiting method in which employers encourage current employees, through referral incentives, to refer suitable candidates for job openings in their companies. 5 benefits of employee referral programs : Time-saving On average, external recruitment methods can take 55 days to successfully

Tuyển Mass là gì? 6 nguyên tắc vàng khi tuyển dụng mass không nên bỏ qua!

chắn sẽ giúp ích cho bạn. Xem ngay nhé! Tuyển mass là gì? Trước tiên, hãy cùng tìm hiểu “Mass” là gì?. “Mass” trong tiếng Anh mang ý nghĩa “hàng loạt”, “đại trà” hoặc “số lượng nhiều”. Cụm từ “Mass recruitment” có thể được hiểu là “tuyển dụng hàng loạt”. Đây là phương thức tuyển dụng trên quy mô lớn, thường là cho các vị trí giống nhau trong các công ty, doanh nghiệp. Mass recruitment là một chiến lược
產業 & 職位介紹

想當獵頭顧問嗎?怎麼跨領域轉職成獵頭?CakeResume 為你整理!


The Most Common Signs Your Interview Went Well + 5 It Didn’t

if you did well afterwards. The good interview signs can become blurry and even mix with signs an interview went badly when you are not familiar with them. It would be best to learn how to read the positive signs recruiters give during an interview. Taking a deep breath before, during, and after the conversation can provide extra clarity. Do try to reflect on it once it is over. What is so good about knowing how to know if an

Forming An Employer Branding Strategy: A Guide

in the recruitment process, such as: Increasing the number of applicants: by presenting the company holistically, including non-tangible aspects such as company culture and values, more applicants are likely to be enticed into applying for an open position. Reduce recruitment costs: a higher number of applicants would in turn reduce recruitment costs such as hiring external recruiters, or paying for recruitment platforms, advertisements and promoted posts. Reduce turnover rates: by having an honest employer branding strategy, applicants already anticipate

寫好一份職缺敘述 Job Description,人才就找對一半!

如果說,履歷是人才在短時間內快速聚焦自身特質與工作能力的媒介,一份企業徵才的職缺敘述(Job Description,以下簡稱 JD)對於企業來說,就是能夠精實展現自身理念與成長的人才邀請函。 從 JD 職缺敘述

【CakeResume 招募顧問 Ava 專訪】職涯大轉彎,為了自我與人才價值的展現

安排生活,對 Ava 來說,這是這份工作帶給她最棒的禮物。 若你有興趣成為 CakeResume 招募顧問團隊的一份子,我們正在招募: Associate Recruitment Consultant Recruitment Consultant Mid-Senior Recruitment Consultant Recruitment Consultant Intern (提供轉正職機會) 延伸閱讀: CakeResume 有哪些團隊?都在做什麼?

CakeResume 招募顧問實習生專訪,工作內容、實習心得大公開!

在政治大學經濟系就讀的 Teddy,為了獲得更多實務經驗,決定加入了 CakeResume Recruitment Consultant Team 作為實習生。 Teddy 主要負責人才招募的工作,包括尋找潛在人選、提供人才給客戶、協調面試安排和追蹤回饋等。在這篇文章


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