求職信(Cover Letter)
產業 & 職位介紹

Seeking Jobs You Can Do from Home? Here’s All You Need to Know!

Created by CakeResume In this article, we’ll cover: Tips for Getting a Work-From-Home Job 15 Work-From-Home Jobs Companies Hiring for Remote Jobs Part-Time Work-From-Home Jobs When COVID-19 first disrupted the office working culture around the world, the entire society was forced to do their jobs online from home. Now that two and a half years have passed by, companies and businesses worldwide have acknowledged that working from home and flexible working

10 Best Work from Home Jobs in Singapore [+ Where to Find Them]

a Productive Work from Home Experience Conclusion Future Trends in Work-from-Home Jobs in Singapore The “work from home jobs in Singapore” environment has changed significantly following the trailing off of the pandemic. From many companies enforcing total 100% remote working environments, things have now drifted more towards flexible and optional remote jobs. So what do these two terms mean exactly? Permanent remote work options Permanent remote jobs are those where you do not need to set foot in


才網,幫助各國企業主媒合專業人才。除了直接用「遠端」、「遠距」搜尋職缺以外,美國版的 Indeed 亦直接提供「remote work」的選項。 4. Freelancer 顧名思義它就是專為自由工作者設計的媒合平台,和 Upwork 的媒合型態滿接近,雖是

15+ Best Online Collaboration Tools Used in 2024

Best Online Collaboration Tools Used in 2024 As remote working becomes more and more familiar, the need to use collaboration tools that contribute to team bonding is increasingly popular. In today’s fast-paced business environment, digital collaboration tools have become a necessity for companies of all sizes, even office work or remote work. From small teams to large enterprises, these collaboration tools are integral to maintaining efficient communication and workflow. As the business landscape becomes increasingly competitive, proficiency in

Slack: Kelebihan dan Kekurangan [+Cara Membuat Akun Slack]

Pada saat terjadinya pandemi COVID-19, hampir semua kegiatan pekerjaan dan pendidikan harus dilakukan secara remote . Hasilnya, banyak orang yang membutuhkan sebuah aplikasi pekerja yang mendukung komunikasi jarak jauh. Berikut aplikasi yang dapat digunakan untuk berkomunikasi online adalah Google Chat, Slack, Google Meet, Zoom, Microsoft Teams, dan banyak lagi. Di artikel ini CakeResume akan fokus membahas aplikasi Slack. App Slack adalah aplikasi pekerja yang mempermudah akses komunikasi antar rekan kerja. Di aplikasi Slack, pengguna dapat membuat ruang khusus untuk bertukar

工程師們,別讓辦公室限縮工作潛能! 精選 4 個海內外遠端工作求職平台

工作的求職管道,希望可以幫助到想要加入遠端工作行列的你們! 1. 找遠端工作,從建立社群開始: Remote Taiwan 、 遠距工作者在台灣 在台灣作為一個遠端工作者,你不孤獨! 遠距工作者在台灣 以及 Remote Taiwan 都是

Kickstart Your Freelancing Career: Top 20 Freelance Websites

become. 4. We Work Remotely What makes We Work Remotely stand out as a freelancing platform is that job listers have to pay a fixed price to list a job, which helps freelancers to find better opportunities. The We Work Remotely website also offers freelance opportunities and full-time remote positions. Users can find many freelance writing jobs on the website. However, that is just the tip of the iceberg. There are also programming, management, customer support, and marketing opportunities

10 Tips for Successful Talent Recruitment

Tips for Successful Recruitment TABLE OF CONTENT Create a Positive Candidate Experience Try Collaborative Recruiting Encourage Employee Referrals Utilize Technology and Tools Embrace Diversity Create a Good Onboarding Experience Explore Remote Options Hire Internally Use a Rubric or Scorecard Build Strong Talent Networks Effectively recruiting is necessary for the smooth functioning of any organization. You want to hire the best possible team, whether your company is growing or experiencing a degree of turnover. But success recruitment isn't an accident

13 Rekomendasi Aplikasi Produktivitas Terbaik, Wajib Dicoba!

Daftar Isi: Cara Memilih Aplikasi Produktivitas yang Terbaik Aplikasi Produktivitas Terbaik untuk Menyusun Tugas dan Workflow Aplikasi Produktivitas Terbaik untuk Meningkatkan Fokus Aplikasi Produktivitas Terbaik untuk Menghemat Waktu Bagi orang yang bekerja di kantor atau secara remote, produktivitas adalah hal yang penting untuk menyelesaikan semua tugas tepat waktu. Untuk kamu yang butuh bantuan agar tetap produktif, aplikasi untuk meningkatkan produktivitas adalah solusinya! Tidak hanya untuk pekerja, tetapi sebagai murid pun aplikasi produktif belajar akan sangat membantu supaya tidak kewalahan ketika

Secrets of Writing Successful Upwork Cover Letters

Upwork Cover Letter In this article, you’ll learn about: How to Write an Upwork Cover Letter Cover Letter Samples for Upwork Tips on How to Write a Cover Letter for Upwork Proposals Upwork Cover Letter Template Today's job market is undeniably tough, especially with remote work developing into the “new norm" all over the world. Both freelancers and recruiters/clients now have a lot of platforms to achieve their own purpose. However, Upwork seems to be among the


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