CakeResume Job Search

Logo of Google.
Google’s mission is to organize the world‘s information and make it universally accessible and useful. Since our founding in 1998, Google has grown by leaps and bounds. From offering search in a single language we now offer dozens of products and services—including various forms of advertising and web applications for all kinds of tasks—in scores of languages. And starting from two computer science students in a university dorm room, we now have thousands of employees and
The employer was active 9 days ago
73F.-1, No. 7, Sec. 5, Xinyi Rd., Xinyi Dist., Taipei City 11049, Taiwan
Logo of TSMC 台積電.
Established in 1987, TSMC is the world's first dedicated semiconductor foundry. As the founder and a leader of the Dedicated IC Foundry segment, TSMC has built its reputation by offering advanced and "More-than-Moore"​ wafer production processes and unparalleled manufacturing efficiency. From its inception, TSMC has consistently offered the foundry segment's leading technologies and TSMC COMPATIBLE® design services. TSMC has consistently experienced strong growth by building solid partnerships with its customers, large and small. IC suppliers
The employer was active 3 days ago
Logo of Cathay United Bank 國泰世華商業銀行.
國泰世華銀行於1975年創立,為國泰金控成員之一,目前在臺灣共有 165 家分行。在海外佈局方面,目前於中國、越南、柬埔寨、香港、新加坡、菲律賓、馬來西亞、寮國、緬甸、泰國及印尼,共計有67個據點,海內外合
The employer was active 3 days ago
【數位驅動】數位銀行App/Web Product manager(數數發,DDT)【數位驅動】數位銀行產品數據分析師 (數數發,DDT)【國內通路】行動財富顧問(保險業務人員尤佳,保障底薪3萬起加績效獎金)【國內通路】理財業務人員(全台)【國內通路】SFA理財業務主管【國內通路】分行管理企劃人員【數位驅動/資訊板塊】測試工程師【數位驅動】APP Developer(Android/IOS)(數數發中心, DDT)【數位驅動】商業分析師(數數發中心, DDT)【數位驅動】專案/產品管理師(數數發中心, DDT)【海外通路】國際消金發展部產品規劃人員(數數發中心, DDT)【海外通路】東南亞消費金融市場研究人員(數數發中心, DDT)【海外通路】消金信貸端到端流程與系統規劃一般人員 Junior Digital platform specialist【海外通路】(外派)資深商業規劃人員 Business Planning Staff【海外通路】國際消金商業分析師(數數發中心, DDT)【海外通路】國際風險管理人員(貸後)【海外通路】海外業務管理專業人員【數位驅動】資深客戶經營行銷企劃【風管板塊】企業審查專業人員【風管板塊/專業支援】企業永續專業人員【風管板塊】資深消金授信政策專業人員【風管板塊】海外市場風管專業人員銀行 / 【專業支援】人力資源人員【產品板塊】信用卡企劃專業人員【產品板塊】(環球交易服務部)企網銀產品規劃人員【海外通路】(國際管理部)海外通路管理資深專業人員【作業板塊】存匯、授信作業人員 (英、越語)【風管板塊】信用暨作業風管內控風險管理專業人員【作業板塊】營運作業整合規劃人員【產品板塊】財富管理數位服務規劃師
Logo of Gogoro .
Gogoro從一個夢想開啟一趟射月的旅程,誠摯地邀請你來一起「改變世界」! 我們期待看到你發揮影響力並為團隊帶來質變,讓夢想成為可能。 我們需要你堅毅的心理素質、展現異於常人的洞察力,和我們
The employer was active 2 days ago
Logo of UNIQLO台灣_台灣優衣庫有限公司.
✨ 歡迎追蹤我們的 徵才專頁 ,以獲得最新消息與職缺資訊 ✨ 迅銷集團是世界上絕無僅有的LifeWear企業 迅銷集團在世界各地展開包括 UNIQLO(優衣庫 )、 GU(極優) ,以及Theory等多個品牌,銷售收益總額在全球服裝
The employer was active about 6 hours ago
Logo of Amazon Web Services Taiwan (AWS)_台灣亞馬遜網路服務有限公司.
Amazon Web Services (AWS) 成立於 2006 年,是全球最全面和廣泛採納的雲端平台,透過資料中心提供超過 200 項功能完整的服務,包含運算、儲存、資料庫、分析、應用與部署等。全球 190 個國家的客戶 —包括成長最快的新創公
The employer was active 5 days ago

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