


Engineering & Scientific Resume Examples

Any progress made in science and engineering can cause significant changes to the way we live. While applying for an engineering or science job, you’ll need a great resume example to look at first. Don’t forget to emphasize your critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

Business & Management Resume Examples

Focused on leveraging stakeholders and developing strategic plans to boost company growth, managerial roles usually show exceptional competence in leadership, communication, and decision making. To properly showcase these qualities, a well-crafted resume is a must.

Customer Service & Retail Resume Examples

As frontline employees, it is essential for customer service & retail roles to listen actively and respond quickly. Hence, highlighting your abilities to multitask, solve problems, and communicate effectively in the customer service & retail resume can be a great plus.

Marketing & Sales Resume Examples

Marketing & sales professional is one of the key roles in a business to drive customer & revenue growth. Though sales’ job requirements & qualifications usually differ from marketers’, excellent communication and analytical thinking skills are indispensable on both resumes.

Cultural & Creative Industries Resume Examples

Having a keen eye for aesthetics, design, and creativity, cultural & creative professionals usually require a more unique resume to stand out from the competitive crowd. Choosing a resume template to best present your experience as well as creativity can be a good start.

Accounting & Finance Resume Examples

Requirements listed in the accountant & finance job descriptions often contain numerical and logical thinking skills. Choose the right resume format to highlight these qualifications, and build a perfect resume to land the dream accounting, banking, or finance jobs easily.

Administration & Operations Resume Examples

Administrative, office, operations, and human resources talent usually possess the quality of reliability, dependability, and attention to detail. Therefore, it is critical to select a suitable resume template to demonstrate these personality traits and fully show personal value.

Education & Teaching Resume Examples

Shouldering the responsibility of nurturing future leaders, educators and teachers are important roles in society. No matter you’re looking to become a tutor, academic assistant, or teacher, we provide resume samples and guidance to both freshers and seasoned professionals.

Childcare & Nursing Resume Examples

Child care providers and nursing professionals both are required to be empathetic, detail-oriented, and good at solving problems. In the resume samples and writing guides below, job seekers will learn how to craft a perfect resume for the dream nursing & childcare job.

Medical & Healthcare Resume Examples

Medical & healthcare professionals spend a great deal of time and effort engaging patients and their families, delivering complex ideas and hard truth. Therefore, it is critical to show empathy, compassion, and advanced communication skills in the medical & healthcare resume.

Hospitality & Logistics Resume Examples

Traveling around the world is everyone's dream! Hospitality professionals are the important factors which make our trips even more wonderful and memorable. To land a hotel, hospitality, or logistics job, you'll need a resume showing capabilities of teamwork, commitment, and enthusiasm.

Food Service & Culinary Resume Examples

Food, as one of the basic needs essential for human life, is also a great source of pleasure. To work in the restaurant & food services industry, you’ll need a professional resume to demonstrate your culinary skills. Find inspiration in our resume examples to spice yours up.

Law Enforcement & Emergency Resume Examples

To succeed in a law enforcement career, exceptional negotiation & problem-solving skills are strongly required, as well as integrity and morality. To best demonstrate your strength and advantage, choosing an appropriate resume format & template is the first step.

Construction & Maintenance Resume Examples

As a basic and essential need for people, housing is a crucial issue that many of us pay attention to. To build a strong construction & maintenance resume, it is necessary to demonstrate your strength of character as a team player, fast learner, and hardworking individual.

Student & Academic Resume Examples

No matter it is for high school students, college students, or graduate students, an academic resume should highlight a candidate’s educational qualifications and skills due to a lack of experience. To land an internship or a first job, learn from successful resume examples below!

Life Situation & Others

Not covered by the above categories? For those who are writing a stay-at-home mom resume, freelance resume, or military to civilian resume, we provide professional writing guides and proven resume examples to help you successfully return to work with pride and ease!

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